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China in Africa: five lessons from ODI

Olivier Milland highlights the diversity of interactions between multifarious Chinese enterprises and African countries and people based on a panel discussion hosted by ODI.

Between extremes: China and Africa

As China prepares for a leadership transition amidst an economic slowdown, Africa Research Institute (ARI) examines the multifaceted relationship with Africa. In its latest Briefing Note, “Between extremes”, ARI argues that popular depictions of Sino-African relations are...

Between extremes: China and Africa

China has re-cast Africa’s position in the global economy. African governments should collaborate more keenly in exploiting relationships with China to improve economic diversification and competitiveness.

Kenya’s Flying Vegetables: Small farmers and the ‘food miles’ debate

In this highly personal and keenly argued commentary, James Gikunju Muuru makes the first detailed response by an African smallholder to the controversy over ‘food miles’. His account describes the serial feats of coordination, discipline, productivity and manual...