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Interactive Timeline: IPTL, Richmond and “Escrow”

Readers of Brian Cooksey’s Briefing Note “IPTL, Richmond and ‘Escrow’: The price of private power procurement in Tanzania” can gain an overview of the key developments in the corruption scandal by scrolling through the interactive timeline below: <

2017: Elections in Africa

At least 6 sub-Saharan African nations are due to hold presidential or parliamentary elections in 2017. Check out the expert briefings, articles and other material on our interactive elections resource.

AllAfrica, 11 December 2013

An excerpt from ARI publican "Who Will Plan Africa's Cities" was featured on online site

OBR management at expert tax symposium in London

Africa Research Institute (ARI) announces that it is hosting the Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR) at an expert symposium on “Tax in Africa”. The event on Tuesday 15 October in London marks the publication by ARI of “For state and citizen: Reforming tax administration, in...

Africa in Transition, 30 May 2013

ARI’s publication “Waiting for the green revolution: Land reform in South Africa” cited by Africa in Transition’s piece “South Africa Land Reform: A Conundrum”

Lilongwe Launch of “Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform, in Malawi”

The Lilongwe launch of “Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform, in Malawi” with a presentation by author Dr Janet Chikaya-Banda and responses from Malcolm M, chief executive at Scottish Law Commission. Discussion chaired by Edward Paice.

Rwanda’s coming of age

In his speech to mark the 18th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, President Paul Kagame noted that the first generation of men and women born during the genocide will come of age this year. There is more to this than obvious symbolism. Rwanda’s median age is estimated at 18.7,...