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How to make planning law work for Africa

How to make planning law work for Africa

As competition for land intensifies in Africa’s rapidly growing towns and cities, planning laws assume a fundamental importance. The promotion of external “one-size-fits-all” models has not served Africa well.

Who will plan Africa’s cities?

Africa’s cities are growing and changing rapidly. Without appropriate planning, they will become increasingly chaotic, inefficient and unsustainable. In many countries, planning legislation dates back to the colonial era.

Ambassador Zhong Jianhua – on trade, aid and jobs

In conversation with ARI, China’s Special Representative on African Affairs responds to common criticisms of China’s policy and conduct in Africa.

How Rwanda judged its genocide

While the full impact of the process will not be apparent for many years, gacaca community courts have delivered benefits to Rwandans in the spheres of justice, truth and reconciliation.

Whatever happened to Africa’s rapid urbanisation

African governments, policymakers and international donors need to acknowledge fundamental changes in urbanisation trends and respond to the messages imparted about employment, incomes and economic development.