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ARI in the News


BBC World Service, 16 August 2016

Policy Researcher Jamie Hitchen spoke to the BBC World Service about the role for cash transfers in Africa

Radio France International, 15 August 2016

Senior Researcher Nick Branson was interviewed by RFI on the fourth anniversary of the death of 34 striking miners at Markinana.

World Politics Review, 10 August 2016

Nick Branson, Senior Researcher, was quoted on the absence of policy debates in Zambia’s election campaign and lingering questions over the credibility of a newly-established constitutional court responsible for hearing electoral petitions.

Financial Times, 10 August 2016

Senior Researcher, Nick Branson, was quoted on the importance of the urban vote in deciding Zambia’s general elections.

Foreign Policy, 1 August 2016

Our Senior Researcher Nick Branson 's Briefing Note "South Africa’s watershed elections: Awry, the Beloved Country?" was featured in the Foreign Policy's Democracy Lab Weekly Brief.

The Times (South Africa), 29 July 2016

Senior Researcher, Nick Branson, was quoted on the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act, which has been overturned by South Africa's constitutional court.

Daily Maverick, 28 June 2016

Senior researcher, Nick Branson, had an op-ed in the Daily Maverick on the subject of the Expropriation Bill in South Africa.

RFI, 22 June 2016

Our Policy Researcher Jamie Hitchen was interviewed by RFI on Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni's new cabinet appointements.

Bloomberg, 22 June 2016

ARI senior researcher, Nick Branson, was quoted by Bloomberg on the closure of The Post, a prominent independent newspaper, ahead of Zambia's elections.

Daily Maverick, 6 June 2016

Our Policy Researcher Jamie Hitchen’s blog ‘“More time”…to eat? Money and politics in Sierra Leone' was republished in the Daily Maverick.